Instructional Technology
Belle Terre Elementary embraces the use of Apple products and technology, transforming our classrooms into innovative learning spaces. With a student population of 1335, technology plays a crucial role in enabling quick and efficient communication among students, teachers, and administrators.
Our district's 1:1 student device initiative has revolutionized the way our students learn. Each student is equipped with an Apple device, empowering them to explore educational resources, conduct research, and develop essential digital skills.
Additionally, through hands-on training, our students gain practical experience that prepares them for college or immediate employment opportunities in our county.
We are committed to leveraging instructional technology to prepare our students for the future. Watch our video below. You'll see our students and teachers share examples of how technology enhances their learning experience and helps them excel in the classroom.
These innovations are truly changing the game at Belle Terre Elementary.
Inspire. Imagine. Impact.
Video Transcript:
Principal DeFord: “Hello! My name is Jessica DeFord and I am the proud principal of Belle Terre Elementary in Flagler County, Florida.
“Belle Terre opened its doors in 2005 and since its inception, has been a model school for integrating technology into the core of its instruction in every room in our building.”
Child #1: "At Belle Terre Elementary, learning is an adventure filled with teamwork and imagination. Students work together in small groups, solving problems and sharing ideas. Through technology, our classroom is not just four walls. It’s a place where we can learn in different ways like reading in a cozy corner or doing hands-on science experiments by collaborating through our iPads—whether we are together in a group or by ourselves in another part of the classroom."
Child #2: “Teachers can seamlessly engage small groups of students in targeted instruction, making sure they provide a personalized learning experience that caters to individual needs.”
[Teacher reads to student: “So, we read a pattern with her favorite marbles.” iPad translates sentence into Spanish.]
Child #2: Also, for students facing challenges in verbal communication, Belle Terre utilizes technology to provide alternative means of expression, enabling students to interact with teachers and peers effectively.
Child #3: Beyond traditional lessons, technology extends our learning to every corner of the school. In music class, students use technology to explore and understand music in personalized ways, making it more accessible and engaging. Similarly in art, technology enables hands-on experiences that go beyond simply learning about different styles. By using technology throughout the school, Belle Terre ensures that learning is not just confined to a single space, but is a dynamic and immersive experience that enriches every aspect of student life.
Child #4: Furthermore, technology facilitates meaningful connections between current and former Belle Terre students. Through virtual guest speaker sessions, alumni can share their experiences and insights with current students, enriching their learning journey and fostering a sense of community within the school. Belle Terre students are changing the world all through the inspiration, imagination, and impact of their elementary school.
Zoe Esberg, former Belle Terre Elementary student: “Hi! My name is Zoe Esberg, and I attended Belle Terre Elementary from 2007 to 2013. In 2011, I had the opportunity to be the first student in the district to go one-to-one with an iPad in the classroom.
“At the time, I had no idea the huge impact that this would have on me and every student in the District. The educational experiences and opportunities that began at Belle Terre inspired me to pursue a STEM career. And I am proud today to say that I’m a mechanical engineer.”
Principal DeFord: “Belle Terre Elementary has truly inspired our students, helped them imagine all their possibilities, and impacted their lives from day one by being a leader in innovation through the years!”