Comprehensive Health
Comprehensive Health Education is required instruction per Florida Statute 1003.42. The curriculum includes 14 components of health that are age and developmentally appropriate.
Comprehensive Health Components
Instructional Materials
Opting Out
Parents/guardians have the right to opt their child out of any portion of the school district’s comprehensive health education required under 1003.42(2)(o) that relates to sex education instruction in acquired immune deficiency syndrome education or any instruction regarding sexuality. The grades and courses in which the standards may be found are listed below.
- Grade 6 (Comprehensive Science I): Reproductive Development
- Grades 9-12 (Biology, Biology Honors, Pre-IB Biology, Pre-AICE Biology): Human Reproduction, Disease Instruction
Submitting an Opt-Out Form
Please complete this form by April 26 for your student to be opted-out of the instruction. While opting out of instruction is an option, students and families need to understand that opting out of instruction will not opt them out of any related questions that may be on the Florida Biology End of Course Exam given beginning on May 1, 2024 to all Biology, Biology Honors, Pre-IB Biology, and Pre-AICE Biology students.